
@Generated(value = ["GoogleHomePlatformCodegen"])
object SwitchTrait

Attributes for SwitchTrait.


Nested types

@Generated(value = ["GoogleHomePlatformCodegen"])
interface SwitchTrait.Attributes

Attributes for the Switch cluster.

Switch cluster FeatureMap.

Indicates that the momentary switch starts to be pressed after debouncing.

Indicates that the momentary switch has been pressed for a long time.

Indicates that the momentary switch has been released after a LongPress and after debouncing.

Indicates how many times the momentary switch has been pressed in a multi-press sequence.

Indicates how many times the momentary switch has been pressed in a multi-press sequence.

Indicates that the momentary switch has been released after a short press and after debouncing.

Indicates that the latching switch moved to a new position.

Public properties


Public properties


val IdClusterId