Device support comes from one or more traits from either the Google Home ecosystem or the Matter specification and enable specific features on the device. To learn more about device types see Data model on Android.
Table key:
- matter indicates the trait is from the Matter standard.
- google indicates the trait is from the Google smart home.
- Kotlin Sample App indicates if device state or limited control of the device (including reading and writing state) has been implemented in the sample app for the device type. Specific device control is listed for each device type if available.
- Use Case indicates the device type from the Google Home ecosystem (as displayed in the Google Home app and featured on the Use Cases page) that the Home APIs device type maps to.
- Device type IDs are unique and include a four-digit string (
), which corresponds to the Matter Vendor ID (VID). Often, log messages may only include the device type ID, for instance, when a type is unregistered. For example,home.matter.0000.types.002d
is the Matter device typeAirPurifierDeviceType
, andhome.matter.6006.types.0100
is the Google device typeGoogleAirCoolerDeviceType
The following devices and their associated traits are supported by the Home APIs for Android:
Home APIs Device Type | Traits | Kotlin Sample App | Use Case |
Air Purifier
A device that is designed to clean the air in a room. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter FanControl matter HepaFilterMonitoring matter ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring google ExtendedFanControl google ExtendedAirQuality google FilterMonitoring |
Air Purifier | |
Air Quality Sensor
A device that is able to monitor and measure various parameters related to ambient air quality in indoor and outdoor environments. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter AirQuality matter TemperatureMeasurement matter RelativeHumidityMeasurement matter CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement matter CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement matter NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement matter OzoneConcentrationMeasurement matter Pm25ConcentrationMeasurement matter FormaldehydeConcentrationMeasurement matter Pm1ConcentrationMeasurement matter Pm10ConcentrationMeasurement matter TotalVolatileOrganicCompoundsConcentrationMeasurement matter RadonConcentrationMeasurement |
Sensor | |
Contact Sensor
A device that detects whether an object, such as a door or window, is opened or closed. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter BooleanState |
boolean state |
Sensor |
Flow Sensor
A device that measures and reports the flow rate of a fluid. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter FlowMeasurement |
Sensor | |
Humidity Sensor
A device that reports humidity measurements. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter RelativeHumidityMeasurement google ExtendedFanControl google RelativeHumidityControl google ExtendedOperationalState |
Sensor | |
Light Sensor
A measurement and sensing device that is capable of measuring and reporting the intensity of light (illuminance) to which the sensor is being subjected. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter IlluminanceMeasurement |
Sensor | |
Occupancy Sensor
A measurement and sensing device that is capable of measuring and reporting the occupancy state in a designated area. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter OccupancySensing |
occupancy sensing |
Sensor |
On/Off Sensor
A measurement and sensing device that, when bound to a lighting device, is capable of being used to switch the device on or off. |
Required Traits matter Identify |
Sensor | |
Pressure Sensor
A device that measures and reports the pressure of a fluid. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter PressureMeasurement |
Sensor | |
Rain Sensor
A device that reports the presence of rain. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter BooleanState |
Sensor | |
Temperature Sensor
A device that reports measurements of temperature. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter TemperatureMeasurement |
Sensor | |
Water Freeze Detector
A device that reports the potential of water freezing. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter BooleanState |
Sensor | |
Water Leak Detector
A device that reports the presence of a water leak. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter BooleanState |
Sensor | |
Basic Video Player
A device that is able to play media to a physical output or to a display screen which is part of the device. It has basic controls for playback (such as play or pause) and keypad input (up, down, number input). |
Required Traits matter OnOff matter MediaPlayback matter KeypadInput matter Messages matter WakeOnLan matter Channel matter TargetNavigator matter MediaInput matter LowPower matter AudioOutput |
TV | |
Casting Video Player
A device that is able to play media to a physical output or to a display screen which is part of the device, and is able to launch content. It has basic controls for playback (such as play or pause) and keypad input (up, down, number input). |
Required Traits matter OnOff matter MediaPlayback matter KeypadInput matter ContentLauncher matter Messages matter WakeOnLan matter Channel matter TargetNavigator matter MediaInput matter LowPower matter AudioOutput matter ApplicationLauncher matter AccountLogin |
TV | |
A device that combines a tuner, display, and loudspeakers for the purpose of viewing and hearing media. |
Optional Traits
google ExtendedApplicationLauncher matter Channel google ExtendedChannel google ExtendedMediaInput matter MediaPlayback google ExtendedMediaPlayback google MediaActivityState matter OnOff matter LevelControl google ExtendedLevelControl |
TV | |
Casting Video Client
A device that is able to launch content on a remote device, for example, a smart speaker or a content provider's phone app. |
Streaming Stick | ||
Streaming Stick
A device having a small stick-like form factor, usually powered by a USB or HDMI cable, that is connected to a display such as a TV and is used to access digital streaming services for media and music. |
Optional Traits
matter OnOff google ExtendedApplicationLauncher matter MediaPlayback google ExtendedMediaPlayback google MediaActivityState matter LevelControl google ExtendedLevelControl |
Streaming Stick | |
Color Dimmer Switch
A device that is able to control a lighting device by adjusting its color temperature and intensity. |
Required Traits matter Identify |
Switch | |
Dimmer Switch
A device that is capable of switching a device on or off and controlling the intensity of the light. |
Required Traits matter Identify |
Switch | |
Generic Switch
A device that is capable of being switched on or off, either by latching (such as a rocker) or by momentary (such as a push button). |
Required Traits matter Identify matter Switch |
Switch | |
Color Temperature Light
A lighting device that is capable of being switched on or off, the intensity of its light adjusted, and its color temperature adjusted. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter OnOff matter LevelControl matter ColorControl google LightEffects google ExtendedColorControl |
on and off, brightness |
Light |
Dimmable Light
A lighting device that is capable of being switched on or off, the intensity of its light adjusted, and being switched by means of a bound occupancy sensor. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter OnOff matter LevelControl |
on and off, brightness |
Light |
Extended Color Light
A lighting device that is capable of being switched on or off, the intensity of its light adjusted, its color temperature adjusted, and being switched by means of a bound occupancy sensor. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter OnOff matter LevelControl matter ColorControl google LightEffects google ExtendedColorControl |
on and off, brightness |
Light |
On/Off Light
A lighting device that is capable of being switched on or off. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter OnOff matter LevelControl google LightEffects |
on and off, brightness |
Light |
Cook Surface
A device that represents a heating object on a cooking or other similar device. |
Cooktop | ||
A device that represents a cooking surface with one or more heating elements. |
Required Traits matter OnOff matter Identify google Cook google Timer |
Cooktop | |
Dimmable Plug-In Unit
A device that is capable of being switched on or off and have its level adjusted by means of a bound controller device such as a Dimmer Switch or a Color Dimmer Switch. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter OnOff matter LevelControl |
Outlet | |
On/Off Plug-in Unit
A device that is capable of being switched on or off by means of a bound controller device such as an On/Off Light Switch or a Dimmer Switch. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter OnOff |
on and off |
Outlet |
A device that washes dishes, cutlery, and other items associated with food preparation and consumption. |
Required Traits matter OperationalState matter Identify matter OnOff matter TemperatureControl matter DishwasherMode matter DishwasherAlarm google ExtendedOperationalState google ExtendedTemperatureControl |
Dishwasher | |
Door Lock
A device used to secure a door, which can be actuated either by means of a manual or a remote method. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter DoorLock |
Lock | |
Energy Evse
A device that is capable of charging an electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle. |
Required Traits matter EnergyEvse matter EnergyEvseMode matter Identify matter TemperatureMeasurement google ExtendedModeSelect google ExtendedPowerSource |
Charger | |
A device that charges electrical storage batteries. Interactions with chargers may include starting and stopping charging, and checking the current charge level, capacity remaining, and capacity until full values. |
Charger | ||
Extractor Hood
A device that that is generally installed above a stove or cooktop to reduce odors and smoke by extracting the air. |
Required Traits matter FanControl matter Identify matter HepaFilterMonitoring matter ActivatedCarbonFilterMonitoring google ExtendedFanControl |
Hood | |
A device that features a fan and supports multiple modes and variable speed. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter FanControl |
Fan | |
Air Cooler
A device that allows temperature cooling and humidity control. These devices are typically more lightweight and portable than air conditioners, and have a water tank attached. Air coolers may not support heating or setting exact temperatures. Interactions with air coolers may include changing the fan speed and humidity setting. |
Required Traits matter OnOff matter FanControl google ExtendedFanControl matter RelativeHumidityMeasurement google RelativeHumidityControl matter TemperatureMeasurement matter Thermostat google ExtendedThermostat matter ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration |
Air Cooler | |
Audio Video Receiver
A device that takes audio input (for example, HDMI, optical, and RCA) and outputs sound to one or more speakers. |
Optional Traits
google ExtendedApplicationLauncher google ExtendedMediaInput matter MediaPlayback google ExtendedMediaPlayback google MediaActivityState matter OnOff matter LevelControl google ExtendedLevelControl |
Audio Video Receiver | |
Optional Traits
google LockUnlock matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState matter PowerSource google ExtendedPowerSource google Toggles google ExtendedModeSelect |
Auto | |
A device that can be filled and drained, possibly to particular levels if the bathtub supports it. |
Optional Traits
matter TemperatureControl google Fill matter TemperatureMeasurement google ExtendedTemperatureControl matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState |
Bathtub | |
A kitchen appliance device used to stir, chop, or mix food. Interactions with blenders may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, setting cooking modes or food presets, or adjusting other various settings. |
Required Traits matter OnOff google Cook google Timer matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState |
Blender | |
A device consisting of a closed vessel and heat source, in which steam or other vapor is generated from water to supply heat. Boilers can be turned on and off, and may support adjusting temperature. |
Optional Traits
matter TemperatureControl matter TemperatureMeasurement google ExtendedTemperatureControl matter OnOff |
Boiler | |
A device consisting of a small enclosed area that is used for storing items. Closets can be opened and closed, potentially in more than one direction. |
Closet | ||
Coffee Maker
A kitchen applicance device that makes coffee. Interactions with coffee makers may include turning them on and off, adjusting cooking modes and food presets, adjusting the target temperature, and adjusting various non-cooking mode settings. |
Required Traits matter OnOff matter TemperatureControl google Cook matter TemperatureMeasurement google ExtendedTemperatureControl |
Coffee Maker | |
Control Panel
A device that is capable of configuring and controlling other devices. |
Required Traits google ElevatorControl google ParkingLocation |
Control Panel | |
A kitchen appliance device that is used to dehydrate foods such as fruit and vegetables. Interactions with dehydrators may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, adjusting cooking modes or food presets, or adjusting other various settings. |
Required Traits matter OnOff google Cook google Timer matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState |
Dehydrator | |
A device consisting of a solid, movable barrier that controls access to an entrance, a closet, a cabinet, and so forth. A door can be opened and closed, potentially in more than one direction. |
Door | ||
A device actuated by a button outside a door that makes an audible and/or visual signal, used to request the attention of a person who is somewhere on the other side of the door. This device may be capable of sending notifications and/or streaming video. |
Required Traits google DoorbellPress google Clip google Record google ObjectDetection |
Doorbell | |
A device consisting of a sliding, lidless, horizontal compartment that may be drawn out from a piece of furniture or a wall in order to gain access to it. Drawers can be opened and closed, potentially in more than one direction. |
Drawer | ||
A device that controls the flow of liquid. Faucets can dispense liquids in various quantities and presets. Faucets may have various modes and each mode has its own related settings. These are specific to the faucet and are interpreted in a generalized form. |
Optional Traits
matter TemperatureControl matter TemperatureMeasurement google ExtendedTemperatureControl google Dispense matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState |
Faucet | |
A temperature-managing device which may be adjusted to various mode settings, and may allow temperature monitoring. |
Required Traits matter TemperatureControl |
Freezer | |
A kitchen appliance device that cooks food by frying it. Interactions with fryers may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, adjusting cooking modes or food presets, or adjusting other various settings. |
Required Traits matter OnOff google Cook google Timer matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState |
Fryer | |
Game Console
A device used to manage and play video games. Interactions with game consoles include playing games and operating device controls. |
Required Traits matter OnOff google ExtendedApplicationLauncher google ExtendedMediaInput matter MediaPlayback google ExtendedMediaPlayback google MediaActivityState matter LevelControl google ExtendedLevelControl |
Game Console | |
A device consisting of a solid, movable barrier that controls access to a garage. Garage doors can open, close, and detect an open state. They can also indicate if an object has obstructed the path of the door while closing or if the door is locked and therefore cannot be controlled. |
Garage | ||
A device consisting of a solid, movable barrier that controls access to an outside area through a fence or wall. Gates can be opened and closed, potentially in more than on direction. |
Gate | ||
A device that is used to cook food on a grate by applying direct heat from below. Interactions with grills may include turning them on and off, starting and stopping, setting a timer, adjusting cooking modes and food presets, and adjusting various non-cooking mode settings. |
Optional Traits
google Cook matter OnOff google Timer matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState |
Grill | |
A device that boils water for use in hot beverages such as tea. Interactions with kettles may include turning them on and off, adjusting the target temperature, and perhaps adjusting various mode settings. |
Required Traits matter OnOff matter TemperatureControl matter TemperatureMeasurement google ExtendedTemperatureControl |
Kettle | |
A device that is used to clean floors by dampening and scrubbing them. |
Required Traits google Dock google Reboot matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState google Locator matter PowerSource google ExtendedPowerSource matter OnOff |
Mop | |
A device used to trim a lawn to a uniform height. Interactions with mowers may include starting, stopping and pausing mowing, docking, checking the current cycle, locating the mower, and adjusting various modes. |
Optional Traits
google Dock matter OnOff matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState google Locator matter PowerSource google ExtendedPowerSource |
Mower | |
A device used to cook food using various methods including slow cooking, sauteing, steaming, or pressure cooking, typically while unattended. Interactions with multicookers may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, or and adjusting non-cooking modes. |
Required Traits matter OnOff google Cook google Timer matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState |
Multicooker | |
A device representing a group of router nodes or a mesh network controlled as a single entity rather than as individual devices. The network device may reboot, update its software, and have modes to handle Quality of Service (QoS) controls and parental restrictions. The device can perform operations such as enabling the guest network, and reporting network-specific information such as the current internet throughput rates. |
Required Traits google NetworkControl google Reboot google SoftwareUpdate |
Network | |
A device consisting of an arbor formed of horizontal trelliswork supported on columns or posts that can be opened and closed, potentially in more than one direction. For example, some pergolas with a canvas may open either to the LEFT or RIGHT. |
Pergola | ||
Pet Feeder
A device that automatically dispenses food to house pets such as cats and dogs. Interactions with pet feeders may include dispensing pet food or water in various quantities and presets. |
Optional Traits
google Dispense matter OnOff matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState |
Pet Feeder | |
Pressure Cooker
A kitchen appliance device that cooks food quickly at a high temperature using steam under pressure. Interactions with pressure cookers may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, adjusting cooking modes or food presets, or adjusting other various settings. |
Required Traits matter OnOff google Cook google Timer |
Pressure Cooker | |
A network device that controls network traffic between two or more different networks. Routers can reboot, update their software, have modes to handle Quality of Service (QoS) controls and parental restrictions, and perform network specific operations (such as enabling the guest network and reporting network specific information such as the current internet throughput rates). |
Required Traits google NetworkControl google Reboot google SoftwareUpdate |
Router | |
Security System
A device that monitors one or more sensors in a building and can raise an alert if a sensor detects unexpected activity. Security systems can be armed and disarmed. They can be armed at multiple security levels (for example, Home and Away) and they can report information about certain sensors, such as a sensor that detects motion or an open window. |
Required Traits google ArmDisarm |
Security System | |
Set Top Box
A device connected to a TV that is used to access digital video channels. Interactions with Multichannel Video Programming Distributor (MVPD) and set-top-box devices may include controlling media playback. |
Required Traits matter Channel matter OnOff google ExtendedApplicationLauncher google ExtendedChannel matter MediaPlayback google ExtendedMediaPlayback google MediaActivityState matter LevelControl google ExtendedLevelControl |
Set Top Box | |
A device consisting of an area where water is sprayed on the body for the purpse of washing. Showers can be turned on and off and may support adjusting temperature. |
Optional Traits
matter TemperatureControl matter TemperatureMeasurement google ExtendedTemperatureControl matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState |
Shower | |
An all-in-one audio device that is often used in conjunction with a TV and has a bar form factor. |
Required Traits matter OnOff google ExtendedApplicationLauncher google ExtendedMediaInput matter MediaPlayback google ExtendedMediaPlayback google MediaActivityState matter LevelControl google ExtendedLevelControl |
Soundbar | |
Sous Vide
A kitchen appliance device used to cook foods in a vacuum at comparatively low temperatures. Interactions with sous vides may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, adjusting cooking modes or food presets, or adjusting other various settings. |
Required Traits matter OnOff google Cook google Timer matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState |
Sous Vide | |
A device used to distribute water evenly across an area such as a garden. Sprinklers can start and stop (or turn on and off). They may also support timers and/or schedules. |
Sprinkler | ||
A kitchen appliance device used to blend dry and liquid ingredients to make batter or dough. Interactions with stand mixers may include turning mixers on and off, starting and stopping the mixer, adjusting cooking modes or food presets, or adjusting various non-cooking mode settings. |
Required Traits matter OnOff google Cook matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState |
Standmixer | |
Streaming Box
A device connected to a TV that is used to access digital streaming services for media and music, often used in conjunction with a display such as a TV. |
Required Traits matter OnOff matter Channel google ExtendedApplicationLauncher google ExtendedChannel google ExtendedMediaInput matter MediaPlayback google ExtendedMediaPlayback google MediaActivityState matter LevelControl google ExtendedLevelControl |
Streaming Box | |
Streaming Soundbar
A device consisting of a combination of speaker and streaming stick or box that provides a streaming experience in addition to soundbar capabilities. |
Required Traits matter OnOff google ExtendedApplicationLauncher google ExtendedMediaInput matter MediaPlayback google ExtendedMediaPlayback google MediaActivityState matter LevelControl google ExtendedLevelControl |
Streaming Soundbar | |
Water Purifier
A device that filters and purifies water. |
Water Purifier | ||
Water Softener
A device that removes minerals from water. |
Water Softener | ||
A transparent device that allows light into a structure. Windows can be opened and closed, optionally with sections that open in different directions, and may also be locked and unlocked. |
Window | ||
A kitchen appliance device that makes yogurt. Interactions with yogurt makers may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, adjusting cooking modes or food presets, or adjusting other various settings. |
Required Traits matter OnOff google Cook google Timer matter OperationalState google ExtendedOperationalState |
Yogurtmaker | |
Laundry Dryer
A device capable of drying laundry items. |
Required Traits matter OperationalState matter Identify matter OnOff matter LaundryDryerControls matter LaundryWasherMode matter TemperatureControl google ExtendedOperationalState google Timer google Toggles |
Dryer | |
Laundry Washer
A device capable of laundering consumer items. |
Required Traits matter OperationalState matter Identify matter OnOff matter LaundryWasherMode matter LaundryWasherControls matter TemperatureControl google ExtendedOperationalState google Toggles google ExtendedTemperatureControl google ExtendedModeSelect |
Washer | |
Microwave Oven
A device that uses microwaves to heat food and beverages. |
Required Traits matter MicrowaveOvenMode matter MicrowaveOvenControl matter OperationalState matter Identify matter FanControl google ExtendedModeSelect google Cook google Timer |
Microwave | |
A device that contains one or more cabinets, and optionally a cooktop, and is capable of heating food. |
Oven | ||
A device typically used to pump fluids like water that may have variable speed. It may have optional built-in sensors and a regulation mechanism. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter OnOff matter PumpConfigurationAndControl matter LevelControl matter TemperatureMeasurement matter PressureMeasurement matter FlowMeasurement |
Pump | |
Pump Controller
A device that is capable of configuring and controlling a pump. |
Required Traits matter Identify |
Pump | |
A device containing one or more cabinets capable of chilling or freezing food. |
Optional Traits
matter Identify matter RefrigeratorAndTemperatureControlledCabinetMode matter RefrigeratorAlarm google ExtendedTemperatureControl |
Refrigerator | |
Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
A device that autonomously cleans floors and carpets by vacuuming dirt and debris. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter RvcRunMode matter RvcOperationalState matter RvcCleanMode google ExtendedPowerSource google Locator google ExtendedOperationalState |
Vacuum | |
Room Air Conditioner
A device with the primary function of controlling the air temperature in a single room. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter OnOff matter Thermostat matter FanControl matter ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration matter TemperatureMeasurement matter RelativeHumidityMeasurement google ExtendedFanControl google ExtendedThermostat |
AC | |
An audio or video device is capable of having its volume controlled and can be muted or unmuted. |
Required Traits matter OnOff matter LevelControl google ExtendedApplicationLauncher google ExtendedMediaInput google ExtendedMediaPlayback google MediaActivityState google ExtendedLevelControl |
Speaker | |
A device that is capable of having either built-in or separate sensors for temperature, humidity or occupancy, and allows the desired temperature to be set. A Thermostat is capable of sending heating and/or cooling requirement notifications to a heating/cooling unit (for example, an indoor air handler) or is capable of including a mechanism to control a heating or cooling unit directly. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter Thermostat |
Thermostat | |
Video Remote Control
A device that can control a video player, for example, a traditional universal remote control. |
Optional Traits
google ExtendedLevelControl google ExtendedChannel google ExtendedMediaInput google ExtendedApplicationLauncher google ExtendedMediaPlayback google MediaActivityState |
Media Remote | |
Water Valve
A device that is capable of configuring and controlling the flow of water. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter ValveConfigurationAndControl |
Valve | |
Window Covering
A device that covers a window and is capable of being raised or tilted. |
Required Traits matter Identify matter WindowCovering |
Blinds |