Blocked actions in automations on Android

Some commands are blocked from being used as actions in the Automation APIs.

Automations featuring blocked actions cannot be created.

Device Type Trait Blocked Action
Air conditioner OnOff Off
Bathtub Fill Fill
Bathtub OperationalState Pause
Bathtub OperationalState Resume
Blanket ModeSelect ChangeToMode
Blanket OnOff On
Boiler OnOff On
Closet OpenClose Step
Coffee maker Cook Cook
Cooktop OnOff On
Cooktop Cook Cook
Door LockUnlock Unlock
Door OpenClose Close
Door OpenClose Open
Door Lock LockUnlock Unlock
Drawer OpenClose Step
Faucet TemperatureControl SetTemperature
Faucet Dispense Dispense
Faucet OperationalState Pause
Faucet OperationalState Resume
Fireplace ModeSelect ChangeToMode
Fireplace OnOff On
Fireplace Toggles ChangeToggleSettings
Fryer OnOff On
Fryer Cook Cook
Garage LockUnlock Unlock
Garage OpenClose Close
Garage OpenClose Open
Gate LockUnlock Unlock
Gate OpenClose Close
Gate OpenClose Open
Grill OnOff On
Grill Cook Cook
Heater OnOff On
Kettle OnOff On
Microwave Cook Cook
Mower OnOff On
Multicooker OnOff On
Multicooker Cook Cook
Oven OnOff On
Oven Cook Cook
Security system ArmDisarm ArmDisarm
Shower TemperatureControl SetTemperature
Shower OperationalState Pause
Shower OperationalState Resume
Sous vide OnOff On
Thermostat OnOff Off
Valve OpenClose Close
Valve OpenClose Step
Valve OpenClose GoToOpenPercentage
Valve OpenClose Open
Window LockUnlock Unlock
Window OpenClose Close
Window OpenClose Open