Error handling on Android

Kotlin doesn't support checked exceptions. This simplifies and streamlines error handling, because you can choose to handle only those exceptions that are potentially recoverable. And because you don't have to explicitly handle every possible exception, your code is less cluttered and consequently, remains more focused on its primary purpose.

Recoverable failures are issues that a developer can address from their end. For example, if an ID used in a call is not valid, the API throws a HomeException with an invalid data message. The app developer can then choose to either remove that ID from their cache or show the user a message like "Structure not found".

An example of how one might handle a recoverable failure:

val result =
   try {
   } catch (e: HomeException) {
       "Got HomeException with error: ${e.message}",

Any method in the Home APIs can throw a HomeException, so we recommend that you use a try-catch block to catch HomeException on all calls.

When handling HomeException, check its code and message fields to learn what went wrong.

Any unhandled exceptions will result in your app crashing.

The following table provides the meanings of HomeException codes that you may encounter:

Table: HomeException codes
Code Meaning
ABORTED The operation was aborted. This typically appears when there's a concurrency issue such as a sequence check failure or transaction abort.
ALREADY_EXISTS The resource or entity that you're trying to create already exists. This could be, for example, a named schedule for a thermostat.
API_NOT_CONNECTED The client attempted to call a method from an API that failed to connect. This can happen when the device is offline or doesn't support the API you're attempting to call.
CANCELLED The operation was cancelled, typically by the caller.
DATA_LOSS Unrecoverable data loss or corruption.
DEADLINE_EXCEEDED The deadline expired before the operation could complete. For operations that change the state of the system, this error may be returned even if the operation has completed successfully.
FAILED_PRECONDITION The operation was rejected because the system is not in a state required for the operation's execution. For example, you might get this message if you called stop on an oven that's already stopped.
INTERNAL Internal errors. This means that some invariants expected by the underlying system have been broken. This error code is reserved for serious errors.
INVALID_ARGUMENT You provided an argument that is outside the expected range of values.
NOT_FOUND You specified an entity or resource that can't be found. For example, specifying a nonexistent track id when calling activateAudioTrack on a media player device.
OUT_OF_RANGE A parameter exceeded the valid range, based on the current system state. This message occurs when the value is within the range of values that the API call could potentially accept, but doesn't make sense in the present context.
PERMISSION_DENIED You don't have permission to execute the specified operation. This error code shouldn't be interpreted to mean that the request is otherwise valid.
RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED Some resource has been exhausted. For example, this could be thrown when one calls dispense on a pet feeder device and there's no more food left in the unit.
SDK_INITIALIZATION_MISSING_INFO The SDK wasn't fully initialized. For example, you'll get this message if you try to get a TraitFactory for a trait that wasn't registered. See Initialize the home on Android.
UNAUTHENTICATED The caller cannot be identified or the request doesn't have valid authentication credentials.
UNAVAILABLE The service is unavailable. This is most likely a transient condition, which can be corrected by retrying with a backoff. Note that it's not always safe to retry non-idempotent operations.
UNIMPLEMENTED The requested operation isn't implemented, supported or enabled in this service.
UNKNOWN Unknown error. Generally speaking, UNKNOWN appears when an error condition occurs that can't be classified using any of the other error codes. For example, this error may be returned when a status value received from an external API that lacks sufficient information as to the root cause.