Supported devices

Cloud-to-cloud-enabled devices in the Google Home ecosystem have different levels of touch control support depending on the app or surface being used:

  1. Google Assistant app
  2. Google Home app (GHA)
  3. Smart Display UI - Touch control are based on the traits supported by the device, not the device type itself.

App Touch Controls in the table below refers to both Assistant app and GHA. For more info, see Touch controls.

Device types without Local Home SDK support either:

  1. Require Secondary user verification for a required trait.
  2. Require a trait that cannot be supported by local fulfillment, such as CameraStream.
Table: Cloud-to-cloud device type support
Cloud-to-cloud Device Type
Description Support Home Ecosystem Type

  Required traits
Air conditioning units are similar to thermostats, but do not support heating and may not support setting temperature targets. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls
Air conditioner

  Required traits
Air coolers are devices that allow temperature cooling and humidity control. These devices are typically more lightweight and portable than air conditioners, and have a water tank attached. Air coolers may not support heating or setting exact temperatures. Interactions with air coolers may include changing the fan speed and humidity setting. Local Home SDK
Air cooler

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Air fresheners can be turned on and off and may allow adjusting various modes. Local Home SDK
Air freshener

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Air purifiers are devices that may be turned on and off, report air filter cleanliness and air filter lifetime, and be adjusted to various mode settings. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls
Air purifier

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Device that takes audio input (for example, HDMI, optical, and RCA) and outputs sound to one or more speakers. Local Home SDK
AV Receiver

  Required traits
Awnings are retractable and can opened and closed. They can be installed indoors or outdoors. Local Home SDK

  Recommended traits
Bathtubs can be filled and drained, possibly to particular levels if the bathtub supports it. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with beds may include adjusting various modes and setting scenes. Local Home SDK

  Recommended traits
Interactions with smart blankets may include turning them on and off, adjusting their temperature, and/or setting various modes and toggles. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with blenders may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, setting cooking modes or food presets, or adjusting other various settings. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Blinds can be opened and closed, and various types of blinds are supported such as venetian (opens in one direction), panel or vertical (may open either left or right), and top-down bottom-up (may open either up or down). Some blinds may have slats that can be rotated. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Boilers can be turned on and off, and may support adjusting temperature. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
Cameras are complex and features will vary significantly between vendors. Over time, cameras will acquire many traits and attributes describing specific capabilities, many of which may interact with the video/audio stream in special ways, such as sending a stream to another device, identifying what's in the stream, replaying feeds, etc. App Touch Controls Camera

  Required traits
Carbon monoxide detectors may report whether carbon monoxide is currently detected, whether the carbon monoxide level is high, and the current carbon monoxide level in parts per million. Local Home SDK
CO2 detector

  Required traits
Interactions with chargers may include starting and stopping charging, and checking the current charge level, capacity remaining, and capacity until full values. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
Closets can be opened and closed, potentially in more than one direction. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with coffee makers may include turning them on and off, adjusting cooking modes and food presets, adjusting the target temperature, and adjusting various non-cooking mode settings. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls
Coffee maker

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with cooktops may include turning them on and off, starting and stopping, setting a timer, adjusting cooking modes and food presets, and adjusting various non-cooking mode settings. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
Curtains can be opened and closed, potentially in more than one direction. For example, curtains with two sections may open either to the left or to the right. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Dehumidifiers are devices that remove moisture from the air. They can be turned on and off, report and adjust target humidity, and may have various adjustables modes or fan speed settings. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with dehydrators may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, adjusting cooking modes or food presets, or adjusting other various settings. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Dishwashers can have start and stop functionality independent from being on or off (some washers have separate power buttons, and some do not). Some can be paused and resumed while washing. Dishwashers also have various modes and each mode has its own related settings. These are specific to the dishwasher and are interpreted in a generalized form. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Door can be opened and closed, potentially in more than one direction. Door

  Recommended traits
Doorbells can let people know someone is at the door. This device can send notifications and stream video if it has the corresponding capability. Doorbell

  Required traits
Drawers can be opened and closed, potentially in more than one direction. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Dryers have start and stop functionality independent from being on or off. Some can be paused and resumed while drying. Dryers also have various modes and each mode has its own related settings. These are specific to the dryer and are interpreted in a generalized form. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls

  Required traits
Fans can typically be turned on and off and have speed settings. Some fans may also have additional supported modes, such as fan direction/orientation (for example, a wall unit may have settings to adjust whether it blows up or down). Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls

  Recommended traits
Faucets can dispense liquids in various quantities and presets. Faucets may have various modes and each mode has its own related settings. These are specific to the faucet and are interpreted in a generalized form. Local Home SDK

  Recommended traits
Fireplaces can be turned on and off, and may have adjustable modes. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
Freezers are temperature-managing devices which may be adjusted to various mode settings, and may allow temperature monitoring. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with fryers may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, adjusting cooking modes or food presets, or adjusting other various settings. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with game consoles include playing games and operating device controls. Local Home SDK
Game console

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Garage doors can open, close, and detect an open state. They can also indicate if an object has obstructed the path of the door while closing or if the door is locked and therefore cannot be controlled. Garage door

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Gates can be opened and closed, potentially in more than on direction. Gate

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with grills may include turning them on and off, starting and stopping, setting a timer, adjusting cooking modes and food presets, and adjusting various non-cooking mode settings. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Heaters are similar to thermostats but do not support cooling and may not support setting temperature targets. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Oven and range hoods can be turned on and off, may have adjustable modes, and may have adjustable fan speeds. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Humidifiers are devices that add moisture to the air. They can be turned on and off, report and adjust target humidity, and may have various adjustable modes or fan speed settings. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Kettles are devices that boil water. Interactions with kettles may include turning them on and off, adjusting the target temperature, and perhaps adjusting various mode settings. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Light devices can be turned on and off. They may have additional features, such as dimming and the ability to change color. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls

  Required traits
Locks can lock, unlock, and report a locked state. Lock

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with microwaves may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, adjusting cooking modes and food presets, and adjusting non-cooking modes. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with mops may include starting, stopping, pausing cleaning, docking, checking the current cleaning cycle, locating the mop, or adjusting various modes. Some mops may support cleaning specific zones in the home. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with mowers may include starting, stopping and pausing mowing, docking, checking the current cycle, locating the mower, and adjusting various modes. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with multicookers may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, or and adjusting non-cooking modes. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Represents a group of router nodes or a mesh network controlled as one entity rather than as individual devices. The network device may reboot, update its software, and have modes to handle Quality of Service (QoS) controls and parental restrictions. The device can perform operations such as enabling the guest network, and reporting network-specific information such as the current internet throughput rates. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
Outlet, a basic device in Smart Home, has binary modes on/off only. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interaction with ovens involves the ability to bake or broil at certain temperatures. The physical temperature inside the oven differs as the oven is heating, so this may also be monitored. The oven has a cook time that limits the duration of baking. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Pergolas (an outdoor garden structure) can be opened and closed, potentially in more than one direction. For example, some pergolas with a canvas may open either to the LEFT or RIGHT. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with pet feeders may include dispensing pet food or water in various quantities and presets. Local Home SDK
Pet feeder

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with pressure cookers may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, adjusting cooking modes or food presets, or adjusting other various settings. Local Home SDK
Pressure cooker

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Radiators can be turned on and off and may allow adjusting various modes. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls

  Required traits
Refrigerators are temperature-managing devices which may have various modes/settings. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Media remotes are used to control media devices. Examples of this device type include hubs, universal remotes, and media controllers. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls
Media remote

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Routers can reboot, update their software, have modes to handle Quality of Service (QoS) controls and parental restrictions, and perform network specific operations (such as enabling the guest network and reporting network specific information such as the current internet throughput rates). Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Security systems can be armed and disarmed. They can be armed at multiple security levels (for example, home and away) and they can report information about certain sensors, such as a sensor that detects motion or an open window. Security system

  Recommended traits
A single sensor can serve multiple functions, such as monitoring both temperature and humidity. Sensors may report either or both quantitative—for example, carbon monoxide and smoke level measured at parts per million—and qualitative measurements (such as whether air quality is healthy or unhealthy). Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with Multichannel Video Programming Distributor (MVPD) and set-top-box devices may include controlling media playback. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls
Set-top box

  Recommended traits
Showers can be turned on and off and may support adjusting temperature. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Shutters can be opened and closed, potentially in more than one direction. Some shutters may have slats that can be rotated. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
Smoke detectors can report whether smoke is currently detected, whether the smoke level is high, and the current smoke level in parts per million. Local Home SDK
Smoke detector

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
An all-in-one audio device that is often used in conjunction with a TV and has a bar form factor. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with sous vides may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, adjusting cooking modes or food presets, or adjusting other various settings. Local Home SDK
Sous vide

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
This device is a connected speaker that does not split audio into separate channels (for example, between two left and right devices). Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Sprinklers can start and stop (or turn on and off). They may also support timers and/or schedules. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with stand mixers may include turning mixers on and off, starting and stopping the mixer, adjusting cooking modes or food presets, or adjusting various non-cooking mode settings. Local Home SDK
Stand mixer

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
This device enables streaming services for media and music, often used in conjunction with a display such as a TV. This devices is powered from a constant source, separate from the display device itself. Local Home SDK
Streaming box

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
This device is a combination of speaker and streaming stick or box. This device provides a streaming experience in addition to soundbar capabilities. Local Home SDK
Streaming soundbar

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
This device has a small stick-like form factor that is usually powered by a USB or HDMI cable connected to a display such as a TV. Local Home SDK
Streaming stick

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Switch, a basic device in Smart Home, can be turned on and off. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls

  Required traits
Thermostats are temperature-managing devices, with set points and modes. This separates them from heaters and AC units which may only have modes and settings (for example, high/low) vs a temperature target. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Television devices combine a tuner, display, and loudspeakers for the purpose of viewing and hearing media. Examples include smart TV devices. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Vacuums may have functions such as starting, stopping, and pausing cleaning, docking, checking the current cleaning cycle, locating the vacuum, or adjusting various modes. Some vacuums may support cleaning specific zones in the home. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
Valves can be opened and closed. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Washers can have start and stop functionality independent from being on or off (some washers have separate power buttons, and some do not). Some can be paused and resumed while washing. Washers also have various modes and each mode has its own related settings. These are specific to the washer and are interpreted in a generalized form. Local Home SDK
App Touch Controls

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Water heaters are devices used to heat water. They may turn on and off and adjust water temperature. Local Home SDK
Water heater
Local Home SDK
Water pump

  Recommended traits
Water purifiers are devices that may be turned on and off, report water filter cleanliness and filter lifetime, and be adjusted to various mode settings. Local Home SDK
Water purifier

  Recommended traits
Water softeners are devices that may be turned on and off, report water filter cleanliness and filter lifetime, and be adjusted to various mode settings. Local Home SDK
Water softener

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Windows can be opened and closed, optionally with sections that open in different directions, and may also be locked and unlocked. Local Home SDK

  Required traits
  Recommended traits
Interactions with yogurt makers may include starting and stopping, setting a timer, adjusting cooking modes or food presets, or adjusting other various settings. Local Home SDK
Yogurt maker