Integration Picker

Tell us what you build and we’ll recommend the best integrations and features for your device, apps, or services
1. What do you build?
2. What device?
2. How do you want to control your app/service?
3. What integration have you done?
Based on your input, we recommend the following integrations to help you build the best experience with Google, showcase your differentiation, and engage your customers wherever they are.
You're all set
Based on your input, you’re currently well integrated with the Google ecosystem. We recommend that you explore our developer resources and tools for your next project and monitor the performance of your current integration.
integration & Device badging
Connect your device
Ecosystem & compatibility
New industry IP-based standard is designed for connect devices locally with lots of flexibility
check_circle Works with Google Home™ badge
check_circle Google Home app support
check_circle Google/Nest Hub display controls
check_circle Google Assistant (voice) support
check_circle Android Home controls
radio_button_unchecked Cloud-to-cloud execution
check_circle Local execution (between your device and users' in-home Google devices)
check_circle Supports Fast Pair via Matter-Bluetooth setup
check_circle Compatible with other Matter-enabled ecosystems
check_circle Requires a Google Home or Nest speaker or display, or Nest Wifi router
check_circle Integrates into Google Home Device SDK
check_circle Supported devices
check_circle Google Home Test Suite
check_circle Matter virtual device
radio_button_unchecked Google Home Playground
Connect your cloud backend with the Smart Home API
check_circle Works with Google Home™ badge
check_circle Google Home app support
check_circle Google/Nest Hub display controls
check_circle Google Assistant (voice) support
check_circle Android smart home controls
check_circle Cloud-to-cloud execution
radio_button_unchecked Local execution (between your device and users' in-home Google devices
radio_button_unchecked Supports Bluetooth-only Seamless Setup
radio_button_unchecked Compatible with other Matter-enabled ecosystems
radio_button_unchecked Requires a Google Home or Nest speaker or display, or Nest Wifi router
radio_button_unchecked Integrates into Google Home Device SDK
check_circle Supported devices
check_circle Google Home Test Suite
radio_button_unchecked Matter virtual device
radio_button_unchecked Google Home Sample app for Matter
radio_button_unchecked Google Home plugin for Android Studio
check_circle Google Home Playground
Local Home SDK
Offer more reliability and lower latency by adding a local fulfillment path to route smart home intents
check_circle Works with Google Home™ badge
check_circle Google Home app support
check_circle Google/Nest Hub display controls
check_circle Google Assistant (voice) support
check_circle Android smart home controls
check_circle Cloud-to-cloud execution (only for non-seamless integration)
check_circle Local execution (between your device and users' in-home Google devices
check_circle Supports Bluetooth-only Seamless Setup
radio_button_unchecked Compatible with other Matter-enabled ecosystems
check_circle Requires a Google Home or Nest speaker or display
radio_button_unchecked Integrates into Google Home Device SDK
check_circle Supported devices
check_circle Google Home Test Suite
radio_button_unchecked Matter virtual device
radio_button_unchecked Google Home Sample app for Matter
radio_button_unchecked Google Home plugin for Android Studio
radio_button_unchecked Google Home Playground
Do more with devices, apps, and Google Home
Take your integration to the next level with these features
User engagement
Google Home Mobile SDK
Android Matter APIs let you focus on building innovative experiences, while Google takes care of the low-level connectivity
check_circle Matter setup with Google
check_circle Device sharing with apps and platforms
check_circle Matter Sample app
check_circle Android Studio with Google Home plugins
App Flip
Enable quick, passwordless account linking
check_circle Google Home app support
check_circle Cloud-to-cloud execution
For content/service provider
Stream media content
Build engaging media playback experiences with Google Cast, Android and the Google Assistant
Google Cast SDK
Turn your app into a remote control and stream audio/video to a Cast-enabled device
Google Home app support
Assistant (voice) support
Android smart home controls
Cloud-to-cloud execution
Local execution (device-to-device)
Control media stream in media sender app (Android, iOS, Web sender)
Stream transfer / expansion
Play audio in speaker groups
For apps and ecosystems
Control Nest devices
Control and management of Nest devices through your apps, services, and products
Device Access
Control and management of Nest devices through your apps, services, and products
Cloud-to-cloud execution
Manage and control Nest cameras, doorbells, and thermostats